I actually did it. I created a recipe, took photos and am now posting! Crazy hey? Well if you follow me on facebook you know that I have posted this recipe before on there (ssshhhh don’t tell anyone)!
I have made these 2 Minute Protein Balls a few times now, and each time I make them I love them more and more! I got the inspiration from the Fitnessista's Amazeballs! I love them enough to break my blogging hiatus! I know hey?
That being said, trying to photograph little brown balls isn’t pretty – so the photos are less than stellar! Go ahead, you try…
See? Not reallllllllly appetizing if you ask me? But they taste amazing – I bet you won’t stop at one?

Again – if you follow me on facebook you know that I’m having some tummy troubles once again. *sad face* and all of the suggestions are to go Gluten Free… seriously – that scares me… dairy, AND Gluten free – good by social life – don’t cha think? Anyways, these are gluten AND dairy free (can I get a woo wooo)?

What you need?
Food processor (I use my small 4 cup one and it works awesome)
3-4 Medjool dates – pitted
1/4 cup oats (if you are gluten sensitive, make sure they are certified GF)
1 scoop Sun Warrior Protein Powder chocolattte flavor! (or favorite protein of choice)
teeny tiny splash vanilla (alcohol free)
2 TBSP Peanut Butter
1 TBSP maple syrup
2 Tsp Macca Powder (which I love – it’s malty flavour and good for you too – good to balance out the adrenal – aka a stress blaster) My favorite is the raw stuff from Navitas Naturals (see link above!)
Whiz it all in the food processor until it forms into a big ball – you may need to add a little water to get it to blend! Don’t blend too much or you loose any texture! Then roll into balls – it makes about 4-5 balls – or if balls aren’t your thing, you can make them into bars too!

Now I could say more – but I know my Uncle Jimbo is reading – and he’ll already make fun of this post – so I’ll leave it here!
Give them a try!
If these balls don’t suit your fancy – I have a few other ball recipes posted too;
Step by Step Energy Balls

OR one of my favourites Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls

Any of these balls are good for after a work out, great in lunches or even a marathon shopping session! I typically take a few in my purse if I’m going somewhere that I know I may not get fed things I can eat! They are super easy and pack a nutritional punch! They taste sinful – but are good for you!
Hope you enjoyed this recipe! Hopefully it won’t take me so long to post again, eating around this place hasn’t been very eventful lately – but I’m trying to get back too it!
Love you guys and thank you for all your support, even if I hold out on you! Still can’t believe there are almost 1000 people on my facebook - you know how to make a girl feel loved!
xo Jessica